物理 Department

物理 students

The 物理 Department at 西雅图 Pacific University seeks to prepare students to use the history and ideas of physics and their analytical, computational, and research skills to engage the culture, the Creation, 他们的思想, and the minds of others.

物理 studies the changes, 的相互作用, and properties of matter and energy and, 结果是, strongly influences humankind’s understanding of nature. 除了, as engineers create new technology based on the principles first discovered by physicists, the social economics and political structures of society change.

专业 and minor

网易彩票app提供 BS in 物理, a BA in 物理,和 BA in physics with an education focus.

We also offer a minor in 物理, which you can pair with almost any major SPU offers.

Labs and equipment

A variety of laboratory equipment is available to SPU students to support coursework and independent study activities. Otto Miller Hall, home to the 物理 Department, contains dedicated teaching laboratories, upper-division research space and upper-division laboratory facilities.

物理 education research

SPU 物理 is home to a thriving 物理 Education Research Group to help improve the learning and teaching of physics.

Lane Seeley instructing students

Why I Teach at SPU

Lane Seeley, Professor and Chair of 物理

“I believe that God created a universe which is both profoundly understandable and ineffably mysterious. 物理 involves a deep search for patterns in the natural world. Through the study of physics, we see the hand of a Creator who has sewn the fabric of nature with patterns which are elegant and understandable. When we keep raising and refining our questions, the elegant patterns of nature lead to novel insights and further mysteries. I love to teach at a place where no questions are out of bounds and we can freely weave together scientific, 道德, and theological ideas.”